Intervju med Adam Wentworth i All Pigs Must Die

All pigs must die 12"

Jag blev så jävla störtkär i APMD efter att deras 12″ landade på hallgolvet att jag var tvungen att dra iväg ett mejl. Det lönade sig. Jag har den äran att presentera en pinfärsk intervju med All pigs must dies gitarrist Adam Wentworth. Den är på engelska eftersom han talar engelska och jag inte orkar översätta den.
Det viktigaste som kom fram är att bandet går in i studion igen redan den 15 december.
Håll till godo.
1. APMD consist of members from other highly active bands, do you and the rest of APMD see this as a “side project”?
No, I don’t consider it a side project, nor do I believe anyone else in the band does. It’s something we make time for and are actively working on. If one of us is on tour we are still writing, sending demos or ideas back and forth, and so on. To me, a side project is something you put on a shelf and walk away from at times. That is not the case with this.’
2. To me the lyrics on the the self titled EP is very dark and nihilistic. Whats your perspective on the lyrics?
– They reflect a view and a feeling that we all share – that from a global to a national level things are becoming very dark, and will continue to get worse. And at a rapid rate. There’s a wide range of subjects that are touched upon in the lyrics, and we’ll leave those open to interpretation, but to put it in quite simple terms – we’re fucked.
3. What does the “pigs” in the bands name stand for?
– Human waste. There are pigs everywhere. They do nothing but serve themselves and we’d all benefit without them. They are everywhere in every facet of life. They are a disease. We’re well aware many will think we are making a reference to the police, but that is not the case. A pig could be a cop, but being a cop does not make one a pig. If that was our intention we would’ve called the band All Cops Must Die. In reality a co-worker might be a pig, a neighbor, a friend’s husband/wife, the guy at the corner store, an elected official, etc. They are anywhere and everywhere.
4. Do you consider APMD to be a political band?
– We’re not a political band by any means. Our lyrics/visuals are a call to attention rather than a call to action. Any topics we touch upon are things that we have our own opinions on and interests in, but we’re not pushing a stance or pursuing an agenda. There are things we feel people should be aware of, but should also look into and educate themselves on. We’re not here to tell anyone to do or think anything.
5. Is it possible that you’re going to tour Europe including Sweden in 2011?
– We don’t have any plans at the moment, but it’s not impossible. If we did make it over to Europe I would think we’d make a point to come to Sweden, but it comes down to what’s realistic for us given our own schedules/circumstances. Any sort of extensive touring would be difficult, but that being said we are going to try to do as much as we can. We have several shows in the works for the US well into 2011 already, so Europe isn’t totally out of the question.
6. The cover of your EP is smashing. How important is the art work to you, for being a designer and all? Could you name a record that you embrace for its looks?
– The artwork is incredibly important to all of us, and Florian (Bertmer) went so far beyond our expectations on this record. I don’t think it would be the same record without it, in a way. Ultimately that’s the goal, to find that balance where the music and artwork are connected in a way where removing one makes the other lose impact, and I feel Florian achieved that on the EP. There are tons of great records with hideous art and vice versa, and while I don’t think that garbage artwork actually makes a record worse, when both are working together it’s a different experience.
There are the obvious records like Dark Side of the Moon, Volume 4, etc. that have that sight/sound connection, but the first punk/hardcore record that I remember thinking the packaging fit the music perfectly was the Crucifix – Dehumanization LP. And looking back now that’s by no means the greatest record or artwork, but the way they complimented each other made that record stand out to me. Also the cover of the Doom – Hail to Sweden 7″ is a personal favorite.

Doom - Hail to Sweden 7"

Crucifix - Dehumanization

7. What is the main goal for APMD? How did it all start?
– The four of us had been talking about doing a band together for a while. We are all close friends and have similar views and I think have a great deal of respect for each other musically. It was late December of ’09 that we actually decided to make this band a reality. We recorded the EP 3 months later, and are about to start recording our next record. It’s just a few weeks shy of a year since we began and everything’s moving along smoothly and rather quickly. The main goal is to do this band on our own terms and avoid the headaches we’ve had with previous bands. There’s no ulterior motive for doing anything other than that we want to do it. Our intentions are to write the heaviest, angriest music we can and to be completely selfish about it.
8. The year of 2010 is coming to an end. How has it been for you Adam?
– I’ve managed to play music more and sit at a desk less without losing my apartment or starving to death, so I’d say it’s been a good year.
9.  Could you list five record that you’ve been listening a lot to during 2010? (They don’t have to be new ones.)
– In no particular order:

Sabbath assembly - Restored to one

Watain - Lawless darkness

Integrity - Seasons in the size of days

The devils blood - Come, reap

Skitsystem - Stigmata

10. Is there any plans for another record with APMD?
– Yes. Actually we start recording our next record in less than 2 weeks from now (December 15th) at Godcity with Kurt again. Whether it will be a full length or another EP I can’t say for sure, but we have a good deal of new material as well as more time than we had for the first record. We’ll have to see what comes of it, but either way we’re excited to get the new material tracked.
Bra saker att veta om APMD:
* Kevin Baker från The Hope Conspiracy sjunger.
* Ben Koller från Converge trummar.
* Matt Woods från Bloodhorse spelar bas.
* Adam Wentworth från Bloodhorse spelar gitarr och arbetar till vardags som grafisk designer. Kolla in hans alster här.
* Omslaget med vargen är gjort av den tyske formgivaren Florian Bertmer.
* Skivan är inspelad i Kurt Ballous (gitarrist i Converge) studio Godcity i Salem, Massachusetts.!/allpigsmustdie
Beställ skivan hos Shirts and Destroy.

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